Special Workshop Events
Upcoming Workshop, Big Book Meditation - SUNDAY, DECEMBER 15 AT 3:00 P.M. EASTERN TIME, US
Please join StepSponsorDA for a fundraising workshop, Big Book Meditation, Sunday, December 15th at 3:00 P.M. EST.
The suggested donation is $7.00, or any variant of seven, in honor of our Seventh Tradition, but no one will be turned away for lack of funds.
All donations will help us send our General Service Representative to the D.A. World Service Conference.
For more information, email our workshop chair at SSDAWorkshop@gmail.com.
Recordings of Past Special Workshops
How to Use Google Sheets for the D.A. Spending Plan,
Follow-Up, and Q/A,
plus End-of-Month Numbers
StepSponsorDA will present long-time member Dropping the Rock explaining how to use Google Sheets.
Recording of the First Presentation - 605.313.6395
Access Code - 446218#
Original Session Recording Number - 120
Follow-up Session Recording Number - 122
This Workshop Took Place:
2021 Sunday, July 11 at 2:30 to 3:50 pm. Eastern, 1:30 to 2:50 pm Central time USA
SSDA Sponsorship Panel - To Playback the recording click the Sponsorship button above
OR The phone number to call is 712-451-0326, passcode 988199, recording # 6
This Workshop Took Place:
2022 Tuesday, March 15
SSDA Moderator Training on ZOOM. To Playback the recording click on Moderator Training button above
Use the pass code Sb2?.#Q.
Recording replays of interviews with early SSDA members
Listen to early SSDA members giving their perspectives on the group while it developed, from 2009 to 2016, when the Daily Calls began.
The recording numbers are 107, 109, and 110.
Playback number: 605.313.6395
Access Code: 446218#