Tributes to and Words of our Founder, DA Diva
QUOTES FROM DA DIVA (2020 to 2022, from postings in, responding to questions raised in the Chat)
(Note: The following quotes are the personal opinion and experience strength and hope of one member, our StepSponsorDA founder who is no longer with us as she passed from this life in 2022. They are not intended to represent guidance or direction from the DA fellowship as a whole.
We publish them here with the hope the reader may still find them useful).
2/8/20 - Health challenges:
First I am so sorry to hear of your circumstances...this must be really scary. Second, reaching out to other members of the fellowship is the right thing to do, so props to you for courage. I have had a major life threatening health challenge. I am in the USA but was in the county clinic system of my home state. First, I was resentful at the system I was in, and that I was not rich enough to just pay out of pocket for whatever treatment I could get right away. I was also very scared about what would become of me. It really helped me to write a mini 4th step regarding everything I resented and feared about my situation. Took it to the prayers of the steps - especially asking God to show me what would be genuinely helpful in the situation and ask God to save me from anger, fear, inertia or self-medication over this. I reviewed what I wrote and gave it away to a DA member. (5th step) I knew I could not "Will" myself to just quit fretting or wanting to self medicate over all of my worries. I went through the 6th and 7th step prayers to have God remove my character defects as well. This allowed me to clear my head enough to ask for some help - I had a couple of health care PRG's and gained the clarity to fill out a number of applications (18 all told) to see what exactly I was eligible for. I made a number of calls that resulted in getting me moved up in the waiting line for certain services. I am aware that each country, state, county and city are different. But with DA members' help and doing step work with prayers I got enough clarity to get through the bureaucracy and obtain accurate information about what resources were available to me. And it really tamed my urge to just throw up my hands and self medicate, which I know would never be helpful. Wish I could reach across the internet and hug you. love love love and prayers to you dear one. Sending you love and blessings and pulling for you.
© COPYRIGHT JILL C. P. Do not duplicate without permission. The GreenBack Book Study Guide to existing DA Literature is a Rough Draft and is not DA World Service Conference Approved as of July 2021. At this time, StepSponsorDA group #14261 will exercise 4th tradition autonomy and continue to use GreenBack Book Study Guide for its existing workshops, as we have been doing since 2007.
As of the end of April 2021, the Debtors Anonymous World Service Conference has approved and issued a new study guide, different from the GreenBack Book. StepSponsorDA daily morning call members formed a committee to review and evaluate the new guide and made a determination to continue using the GreenBack Book as its primary study guide. The new 'DA 12 Steps Study Guide' will be recommended to current morning call members as supplemental material.
If you have any questions please send an email to