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This is a place marker for information on starting your own StepSponsorDA group and/or using the StepSponsorDA materials on your own.  If interested in forming a study series, send an email to . In the subject line, please type: "Interested in starting a new Step Workshop Series."

If interested in using our study guide to help you be a better sponsor, one on one, send an email to . In the subject line, please type: "More about Sponsorship"

***** Important Note Regarding StepSponsorDA As Of MAY 2021 *****


The GreenBack Book Study Guide to existing DA Literature is a Rough Draft and is not DA World Service Conference Approved as of May 2021. At this time, StepSponsorDA group #14261 will exercise 4th tradition autonomy and continue to use GreenBack Book Study Guide for its existing workshops, as we have been doing since 2007.


As of the end of April 2021, the Debtors Anonymous World Service Conference has approved and issued a different study guide.  StepSponsorDA group members have formed a committee to review and evaluate the new guide made a determination to continue using the GreenBack Book as its primary study guide. The new 'DA 12 Steps Study Guide' will be recommended to our members as supplemental material.

One of the missions of StepSponsorDA has been to aid DA members in learning to how to sponsor and/or learning how to organize step study groups. We began as a Debtors Anonymous World Service Conference committee in 2007. After "road testing" multiple study formats and organizing over 80 study groups composed of over 4000 debtors, we are still committed to helping all debtors through their step work, in any manner they choose. Do reach out to us, we are here to help Debtors with what ever method each member is guided to do.

Email and request help.


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